Welcome to PodCamp Puerto Rico PB Wiki Page
The purpose of this space is to try and nail down some concrete ideas and plans for a PodCamp Puerto Rico.
What are we talking about? Click here and read the blog post that started it all!
You dig the idea but have no idea what a PodCamp is? Here is a broad overview with some links.
(After reading it, if you dig what you read, please comeback and join the conversation!)
What is our purpose and what are our goals? (work in progress, we need your input here as well...)
Items that need attention
The Big Disclaimer - add your thoughts!
From Mark Hayward - Please let your voice be heard if you have an interest. My original thought was that it would be really cool to get a bunch of people, who are involved in the Web 2.0 space in PR, together to learn, share stories and to discuss possible collaborative efforts.. Really, we can call it whatever we want (PodCamp, Bar Camp, Tweetup, whatever) and I am happy to be involved as much or as little as I am needed.
Comments (27)
Ezequiel Rodríguez Andino said
at 1:46 pm on Aug 18, 2009
I made some specific pages you can link on the items that need attention. You can edit them as you wish or comment under them to start the ball rolling.
Mark Hayward said
at 4:30 pm on Aug 18, 2009
Thanks Ezequiel! I just added another bullet for "presentations & content" and will try to create a separate page for it later.
Edgardo Jimenez said
at 5:03 pm on Aug 18, 2009
Hi guys,
I just wanted to comment that it might be a good idea to define the purpose, event-type and/or scope before doing a lot of the tasks. For example, will this be a conference-type event with speakers, presentations, audiovisuals, etc? Will it be more informal? Roundtables, testimonials? etc. Also there are events like some Barcamps or Startup Weekends were the goal is to create and launch a project during the weekend, no conferences or presentations. Defining this will help with the logistics.
For my part I think the simpler, the better. One thing is finding a sponsor and another NEEDING to find a few sponsors in order to have the event. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59nrQPo53xo
Hector Ramos said
at 5:58 pm on Aug 18, 2009
Something I've read about, seems like it is useful for bigger events where the amount of speakers is greater than the time alloted for the event: Pecha Kucha Style presentations
You get 6 minutes, 40 seconds, no more, no less. A moderator controls your slideshow, changing to the next slide at the 20 second mark, for a total of 20 slides. This would allow us to fit 5 speakers in a 35 minute slot.
I'm just throwing this out there while we are still open to suggestions, it seems like this style of presentation is a better fit for larger events with lots of speakers, but it may be a nice little side event that could push some shier participants into joining the speakers. After all, a PodCamp is not about a group of rockstars than know how to rock Keynote/Powerpoint.
Any of you guys have seen this style of presentation live?
Hector Ramos said
at 6:02 pm on Aug 18, 2009
Found the actual term used in our side of the world, Ignite: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignite_(event)
Ezequiel Rodríguez Andino said
at 6:43 pm on Aug 18, 2009
Working upon Edgardo's comments and Hector's idea:
I think we could have presentations that lead to round tables and open floor discussions. Those presentations could be ruled by the Ignite rules.
Mark Hayward said
at 7:47 pm on Aug 18, 2009
Egdardo - do you want to create a 'Purpose & Goals' page? Do you guys think if we have goals defined it will make it easier to set the agenda?
Hector - yeah, time limits are key! We could even use something like http://e.ggtimer.com/ running in the background of all presentations.
Mark Hayward said
at 7:51 pm on Aug 18, 2009
Just saw Ezequiel's post from 6:43pm - I second his idea.
Miguel Cruz said
at 10:42 pm on Aug 18, 2009
Hello all,
I would like to see a Purpose & Goals for this event to see if and in what way I can help to make this happen. I'm a SysAdm from PR leaving in VA now.
I think the sooner you can map out what the goal is, the sooner ppl can start working towards it and the more ppl the more ideas and the more details you will find out that might be needed to accomplish the end-goal.
Joel Villarini said
at 11:49 pm on Aug 18, 2009
Hey everyone. Count me in! We need more podcasters in Puerto Rico. I produce one podcast and participate in another one and PR needs more and better produced podcasts. :) So anything I can help out in the event count me in.
Miguel Cruz said
at 12:08 am on Aug 19, 2009
Hey por eso de tirar ideas, alguno de ustedes usan OpenID? yo soy super fanatico de esta tecnologia. Yo tengo mi openID con https://pip.verisignlabs.com/ por que tienen varios plugins para firefox para usar el servicio y puedes crear certificados que se instalan en tu PC para que solo puedas accesar la cuenta desde esa PC solamente (por ejemplo si alguien te logra copiar el username y password)
Anyways, solo dando ideas
Ezequiel Rodríguez Andino said
at 10:33 am on Aug 19, 2009
Mark: I see you created a Goals entry, but if you look up, there is a link that says: What is our purpose and what are our goals? , I have a hyperlink to a page where I gave my ideas regarding those...maybe you can integrate that entry with that page...
Mark Hayward said
at 10:36 am on Aug 19, 2009
Based on Edgardo's fantastic suggestion above, I have created a goals page where we can let each other know what we hope to get out of PodCamp (SocialMediaCamp?) - http://podcamppuertorico.pbworks.com/Goals. As per his suggestion, it should help us to better define this little meeting.
ps - that YouTube video was hilarious.
Mark Hayward said
at 11:23 am on Aug 19, 2009
Apologies, Ezequiel! That's is what happens when I try to take care of guests and at the same time try to add something here. Since I am sure we all hope to not duplicate efforts I'll delete my page and direct everyone to your page. (Again, apologies)
Ezequiel Rodríguez Andino said
at 11:41 am on Aug 19, 2009
Mark: No need for apologies! This is all working out nicely!
Miguel Cruz said
at 12:32 pm on Aug 19, 2009
So, my apologies for going with my handle, i'm just used to doing it, my actual name is Miguel Cruz, you folks can address me either way.
I think the dates are crucial for this event, if the first one is not that good, chances are the word of mouth promotion for other events is not going to be that good. What time-frame are you guys thinking of for this event, is it 2009 or 2010?
I will look you guys up in linkedin.
Miguel Cruz said
at 12:41 pm on Aug 19, 2009
Too bad one cant edit one's entries...
I guess its easier for me to put my public profile here and you folks (if interested) can add me to your linkedin:
Ezequiel Rodríguez Andino said
at 1:19 pm on Aug 19, 2009
Miguel: For the date discussion go to the: Date - When would you like to hold it? entry on this page and click on the hyperlink. I think we are zeroing in on November 7 2009.
Miguel Cruz said
at 4:30 pm on Aug 19, 2009
My apologies, I didn't noticed that was an index at the top...
Gabriel Pagan said
at 4:41 pm on Aug 21, 2009
I think we are at a stage where we need to set up a skype or similar meeting to brainstorm a bit in real time. what do you think?
Alesandro Ortiz said
at 5:03 pm on Aug 21, 2009
Skype/IRC works for me. Maybe over the weekend when most people aren't working?
biblioupr said
at 7:00 pm on Aug 21, 2009
I'm sorry if I have missed something by not thoroughly reading every comment and every page on the wiki. I like the idea of meeting up with people working on different aspects of these new technologies. On the other hand, I don't think I can handle another conference with its structure and stress and marketing. I just want to meet folks, find out what they are doing and feel inspired for my own projects. In California, this would be called a Super Happy Dev House event. I am not against all the other stuff like logos and mottos (php jedi, you are fun and amazing). I just don't think that that stuff needs to precede the event, at least at this stage. It would also be helpful to have a few events before tying it down with branding. Who has a house and a spouse who wouldn't mind an invasion of 20-30 strangers and their laptops? Is this not appropriate for Puerto Rican culture?
Below I posted two of my tweets on the subject which received a bit of support from some of you:
Picture this. A grill, byo meat and drinks, wi-fi, sharing, demoing, & lightening presentations, no rent, no t-shirts, no logos #podcamppr
11:14 AM Aug 20th from web
Would a super happy dev house be > fun than podcamp? Would be cheaper too &the informality might encourage more exchange. cons are stiff.
11:01 AM Aug 20th from web
biblioupr said
at 7:07 pm on Aug 21, 2009
By the way, my name is Gina and I am a transplant to Puerto Rico from California. I am an erstwhile law worker and a current student of library and information science. I am very UN-technical (no programming skills at all) but I am a casual user of web tech and I have lots of ideas about usability and knowledge power.
Alesandro Ortiz said
at 7:48 pm on Aug 21, 2009
Good points. As I'll post in a bit on the Organizing Committee page, I'd rather have this event be more like a BarCamp, with less bureaucracy and such, after discovering that the PodCamp Foundation has IP rights over "PodCamp" and likes to keep things under control -- too much for a mostly informal meetup (as you suggested).
What you describe is also basically a larger-than-usual Tweetup at someone's house. :P While I understand the purpose, I believe that most of us organizing this event want to get businesses and other communities involved in the new media industry (or the technology industry as a whole). I'm thinking of it as similar to the Startup Weekend that Jeremy Spouken organized over the summer.
Also, many have already commented on keeping the event fun for everyone. That's why we're planning to have short presentations (<10 mins.) and lots of time to talk and eat. :D It's basically like being in a huge house, with a couple hundred people, and letting everyone share their ideas to everyone. :) I hate bureaucracy, and that's the least I want in this event (hence why I'm suggesting we go with a BarCamp instead of a PodCamp).
I hope your concerns were addressed. :) Feel free to voice any additional doubts, etc... We want to get all the wrinkles ironed out well before the event :P
Alesandro Ortiz said
at 7:51 pm on Aug 21, 2009
Also, the idea is for everyone (the organizers, attendees, participants, volunteers, sponsors, and everyone else) to have fun while organizing this, in order to have fun and be productive at the actual event. I think that we wouldn't be organizing this on our free time if we didn't enjoy it :P
Hector Ramos said
at 2:56 pm on Aug 22, 2009
Hi Gina,
Since we are planning this event for November, I don't see why we can't have smaller gatherings like the ones you describe in the next two months. After all, many of us have made lots of friends online and we have been meeting up, informally, in our own houses, restaurants and various other establishments. However, these events are typically smaller, more tight knit and limited to specific social groups. I think part of the goals of organizing this event is to gain wider exposure beyond our own social bubble, by inviting businesses and and members of the traditional media that have been oblivious to our presence.
What I am trying to say is that there is enough interest to have both types of events, and even for the last year, the social meetup that you describe has been ongoing across the Twitter community. I'm sure you will find many of us holding these kinds of social events almost every weekend, it is usually spread by word of mouth through various online means. Which is why we are trying to formally organize an event, which brings with itself a certain kind of structure in order to handle a bigger crowd.
Jose Padilla said
at 1:19 pm on Oct 11, 2010
Un año despues Giovanni Collazo(@gcollazo) y yo(@jpadilla_) estamos organizando un Barcamp en San Juan(http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=156500124382305). El evento ya está confirmado para el 5 de noviembre de 2010. Todavia estamos planificando algunas cosas, pero va de seguro. Este Barcamp es más enfocado en developers y designers, pero todo web 2.0 geek está mas que bienvenido a llegarle tambien =). Tenemos propuesto que este será uno de muchos mas Barcamps que estaremos haciendo.
Me gustaría verlos allí!
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